Upaya Social Ventures

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Manikstu Agro

Founder: Jayanthi Mahapatra

Portfolio Partner: 2020

Operational State: Odisha

Manikstu Agro aims to change the landscape of goat farming in Odisha. They aim to disseminate information of sustainable goat farming, by institutionalizing the sector and bringing digitizing the rural goat farmers.

Manikstu primarily focuses on the overall procurement and sale of these goats and on the improvement of the goat sector through the following factors: goat nutrition and improvement, health improvements and prevention of diseases, and the practices of breeding and genetics. By bringing systemic change in the region of Odissa via the workforce, Manikstu can work to establish this region as a food processing and animal husbandry corridor, attracting other farmers and thus creating more jobs for the rural poor.

Visit their website to learn more.

About the Founder:

Jayanti Mahapatra, a Post Graduate in Business management & Masters in psychotherapy with 15 years of experience into diverse fields primarily banking, consulting she oversees human resources. She founded Manikstu Agro Pvt. Limited and made it successful venture with her expertise in business management with blend of strong analytical skills, and creative approach.