Create A Dignified Job

with a monthly donation to Upaya

Upaya is a registered 501(c)3 organization. Upaya's Tax ID is 80-0713334.

For just $19 per month, you can create a dignified job!

Jobs with dignity are safe, stable, inclusive, and rewarding. They mean that families can build wealth, send their kids to school, and help revitalize communities. In other words, jobs with dignity make a real difference beyond a pay check.

It costs Upaya just $225 to create a dignified job. That means, with a monthly gift of $19 this year, you can create a job that will last long into the future.


Mail A Check

Upaya is able to accept cash and checks from individual supporters, and can provide timely tax receipts.

All checks should be made out to
“Upaya Social Ventures" and mailed to:

Upaya Social Ventures
508 Yale Ave N, #214
Seattle, WA 98109

Match Programs

Upaya is registered and eligible for gift matching programs with many companies.

Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant information provided by
Powered by Double the Donation

Advised Funds

Recommend a gift via your DAF.

Recoverable Grants

Upaya turns donations into investments. Recoverable grants allow our donors to share in the returns from our investments.

They provide an innovative tool to recycle your philanthropy and multiply your impact if the investments are successful and the funds returned.

Stock Gifts

We gratefully accept stock donations to support our mission.

Please email for details on how to make a gift transfer.

Through PayPal

Host Your Own

Use the Funraise platform to raise money from your network. Click to get started.

Give With

Our bitcoin address is 1BrqSzYFk4AuntxJ8QciNQgkWJ9YWyTmf8