Powered by Upaya Social Ventures and in partnership with Yunus Social Business Fund Bengaluru, the six-month long Dignified Jobs Accelerator brings essential knowledge, capacity, and networks to early-stage entrepreneurs in the allied sectors of agriculture. Upaya will select up to three businesses from the cohort for a $50,000 investment and YSB will select up to two businesses for a potential debt investment of up to $100,000.
About The Cohort
This Dignified Jobs Accelerator brings together a dynamic cohort of impact entrepreneurs creating jobs across the Allied Sectors of Agriculture. This program is specifically designed to support businesses that work closely with farming, rural, or tribal communities to build a strong supply chain for products that have industrial uses.
Agriculture is the largest source of livelihoods in India today, and the allied sectors surrounding agriculture have potential to create even more dignified jobs and income streams for small and marginal farmers, rural communities, and women. Businesses that source non-conventional raw materials from the agriculture sector to produce innovative products with access to new markets can offer more livelihood opportunities and strengthen their resilience against the changing climate.
About The Allied Sectors Of Agriculture Cohort
Among the Allied sectors of Agriculture are aquaculture, animal husbandry and livestock, sericulture, apiculture, horticulture, fungiculture, insect or microorganism culture, and forestry.
Businesses in these sectors source raw materials from farmers and rural communities for industrial applications such as plant-based technical textiles, dyes and resins, animal feed supplements, biofertilizers, paper and packaging, pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, food and beverages, personal care, and cosmetics.
All of these sectors have the potential to generate new income streams for farmers, strengthen their supply chains, and connect them to markets beyond conventional agri-food products.
What We Offer
Customized Support
The Upaya and YSB program teams will provide one-on-one support and technical training consults to prepare entrepreneurs for investment.
Investment Readiness
Four immersive modules that equip entrepreneurs with key skills in business strategy and financial & impact management, along with actionable insights from your fundraising journey.
Investor Connections
Throughout the program, entrepreneurs receive insights and feedback from investors on their business models, strategies, and pitches through individual connections and virtual pitch sessions.
Peer Learning
We consciously focus on curating shared learning spaces to enable each cohort to exchange ideas, support one another on their journey, and explore potential collaborations.
Don’t miss the next opportunity to join the Dignified Jobs Accelerator program!
Upaya Social Ventures is a nonprofit organization, building a dignified economy by providing investment and support to early-stage businesses creating sustainable livelihoods for people living in the most extreme poverty.
Upaya’s award-winning impact-first model seeks out and supports oft-overlooked companies creating work that is safe, stable, inclusive, and rewarding—generating a transformative impact on families, communities, and economies.
Since its founding in 2011, Upaya’s portfolio companies have created over 30,000 dignified jobs across India.
Yunus Social Business (YSB) is a social business fund and corporate social innovator, harnessing the power of business to end poverty and the climate crisis. Co-founded in 2011 by Peace Nobel Laureate Prof. Yunus, YSB Funds finances and grows social businesses in East Africa, Latin America & India, while Yunus Corporate Innovation transforms corporations into a force for good. To date, social businesses in YSB’s portfolio have impacted the lives of 17.8 million people and provided higher incomes to 1.3 million. Investment Readiness Programmes form part of YSB’s wider ambition to contribute to building the ecosystem in the geographies in which YSB is active.
Funding is not included as part of the accelerator program. However, at the end of the program, Upaya will select up to 3 companies for investment. In addition, YSB will also screen participating businesses for a debt investment of up to USD 100,000.
The allied sectors of agriculture include aquaculture, animal husbandry and livestock, sericulture, apiculture, horticulture, fungiculture, insect / microorganism culture, and forestry.
Industrial applications can include, but are not limited to, plant-based technical textiles, dyes and resins, animal feed supplements, biofertilizers, paper and packaging, pharmaceuticals and medicine, nutraceuticals, food & beverages, personal care, and cosmetics.
The World Bank defines extreme poverty as living on under USD $1.90 per day. We partner with companies creating jobs that are targeted at this extremely poor population. While extreme poverty looks different around the country and the world, what people living in these conditions have in common is their dire economic vulnerability.
For queries related to the accelerator programs, please reach out to