Upaya Social Ventures

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Adventure Finance: Impacting Investing For Philanthropists

Bangalore, India | June 17, 2021

Upaya CEO, Kate Cochran, hosted a webinar yesterday, Impact Investing for Philanthropists, with Aunnie Patton Power, author of Adventure Finance, Caroline Bressan of Open Road Alliance, and University Impact’s Joellen Nicholson. Watch the webinar recording below to see Aunnie, Caroline, Kate, and Joellen’s discussion about impact investing and the innovative approaches to funding social enterprises.

Some quick highlights:

  • Aunnie Patton Power offers in-depth highlights from her new book, Adventure Finance, on the financial vehicles used in impact investing.

  • Caroline Bressan of Open Road Alliance reviews their pioneering work in recoverable grants.

  • Kate Cochran, CEO of Upaya Social Ventures, shares details about Upaya’s first pool of recoverable grants that supports businesses in India creating jobs for the ultra-poor.

  • Joellen Nichoson of University Impact, provides an overview of their innovative donor-advised fund platform that makes it easier for philanthropists to incorporate impact investing into their giving strategy and how they are working with Upaya to raise their next fund.

After watching the video, here are some ways you can take action to begin your own philanthropic impact funding journey.

  • Delve deeper into Aunnie Patton Power’s new book, Adventure Finance.  
    You can order the book here!   

  • Invest in Upaya’s $3 million Pool of Recoverable Grants II
    University Impact is partnering with Upaya to raise this fund. Through their donor-advised fund, the UI Triple DAF, you can participate in the Upaya PRGII. Plus, when setting up a DAF with University Impact, you can work with their team to develop your own personalized impact strategy.  

    Visit www.upayasv.org/prg or contact Joellen@Uimpact.vc for more information.


Madlin D’silva