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How can technology innovations sustainably solve the global food challenge?
Editorial AB Chakravarthy Editorial AB Chakravarthy

How can technology innovations sustainably solve the global food challenge?

With scientific advances post World War II, many defense technologies found applications in agriculture. This innovation drove food production and productivity thus reducing starvation deaths globally. The same technologies left a huge imprint on the planet’s soil, water, and biodiversity. Now, we need to focus on both enhancing food production for the growing population while also producing it in a sustainable manner.

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How Dignified Jobs Build Resilience For The Extreme Poor
Editorial AB Chakravarthy Editorial AB Chakravarthy

How Dignified Jobs Build Resilience For The Extreme Poor

Globally, research has shown that the extreme poor are greatly affected by the cause and effects of climate change. Air, water, and other sources of pollution are often the causes of climate change while extreme weather events such as heatwaves, drought, floods and hurricanes are the effects – both of which wreak havoc in the lives of the poor, often posing a threat to their livelihoods, health, and infrastructure. The poor are especially vulnerable as they lack coping mechanisms which are neither accessible nor affordable.

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