Upaya Social Ventures

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Bastar Se Bazaar Tak

Founders: Haresh Kashyap & Satendrasingh Lilhare

Portfolio Partner: 2020

Operational State: Chhattisgarh

Bastar Se Bazaar Tak, which means 'from Bastar to the Market,' aims to enhance livelihoods of tribal farmers by promoting Non-Timber Forest Produce (NTFP) like custard apple, tamarind, jamun, amchoor, and herbal gulal.

They work directly with farmers from Bastar, Chhattisgarh to collect and process these NTFP products, reduce post-harvest losses, and enable additional income and employment opportunities for the farmers. The high quality and unadulterated processed forest produce is then supplied to urban consumers in the market.

Visit their website to learn more.

About the Founders:

Satendrasingh Lilhare specializes in launching new services from concept to roll-out and building organizations from the ground up. With 10 years of experience in the social sector, he excels in grassroots communication, social mobilization, and liaising with government offices. His work includes spreading awareness of government schemes for underprivileged communities and facilitating documentation and procedural formalities.

Haresh Kashyap is a progressive farmer, has been doing farming practices since more than 30 years. Farmers in his village community regarded as down to earth person and role model. He is responsible for planning and operation at Bastar se Bazaar tak.