Upaya Social Ventures

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Kaarigar Mandi

Founders: Ankit Kumar, Gagan Mukhi, & Dr. Hifza Afaq

Portfolio Partner: 2020

Operational State: Uttar Pradesh

Kaarigar Mandi (Shoegaro) is an Indian social business based in Agra that connects artisans making handmade shoes with customers in India's low and middle-income segments. Its mission is to preserve the dying art of handmade shoemaking by engaging artisans and their families.

The founders of Shoegaro designed the business to address the social concern of unemployed footwear artisans and capitalize on the promising footwear industry. They provide consistent shoemaking orders, livelihood opportunities, and skill development for these artisans.

Visit their website to learn more.

About the Founders:

Ankit Kumar has a remarkable more than 15 years of experience in sales and marketing, as well as social entrepreneurship. Passionate about social impact, Ankit is dedicated to effecting positive change and empowering communities through ethical and sustainable business practices. ecognized for his leadership and social impact initiatives, Ankit was invited to attend the Young Founder's Program in Berlin in May 2023 by the Westerwelle Foundation and is an esteemed Acumen fellow.

Dr. Hifza Afaq co-founded Kaarigar Mandi, with a vision of leveraging technology to enable the unorganised footwear MSMEs and artisan communities to connect with the better sustainable livelihood opportunities. At Kaarigar Mandi, they empower the artisans to become entrepreneurs by standardizing their work, connecting them to credit and connecting to the market.

Gagan Mukhi is an entrepreneur with a strong background in the footwear manufacturing industry. With a strong passion for the field, Gagan played a pivotal role in establishing and shaping Kaarigar Mandi, a comprehensive solution catering to the diverse needs of footwear businesses.